Paintbrush Prairie
I discovered a small conservation area in central Missouri called the "Paintbrush Prairie."
There was a great concentration of wildflowers for such a small area in MO. - as the state is not know for it abundance of wildflowers) I had scouted this area earlier in the month on another visit and pre-visualized some images. I will post more images of the area in the future. I geared up for the trip with a fresh can of bug repellent, due to the fact of the deer population in MO. and the infestation of ticks associated with them. I am happy to report no bugs on this trip; not sure if it was due to the repellent or just luck.
I experimented with some HDR imaging software (Photomatix - HDRsoft) for the first time and was happy with the results,
considering the image was shot in mid afternoon.
I love how this simple composition allows all the richness of color and texture to come forward. Plus, it feels like total happiness. Thanks for sharing this!