Monday, October 19, 2009


I was digging through the archives and ran across some images from a trip to Coupeville, WA. to attend a Craig Tanner Workshop taught through the Coupeville Arts Center. This is the iconic pier and wharf-house, at low tide! There is something about these iconic forms that seem to draw me in, wherever I go. I remember staying at a house in town (starving artist rates) that overlooked the water and I believe Mt. Baker on the eastern horizon, it had a great wrap around porch and a terrific retired couple that had worked and lived in Seattle. I really enjoyed the trip and would like to return to the Pacific Northwest.


  1. Gorgeous T-Man! Many incredible qualities to that image. Any chance you've gone back to that set of raw images and re-produced it use HDR?

  2. Alec -
    That was the original intent, but Photomatix keep giving me a bunch of noise in the sky after several tries. (it can be a bit temperamental) So actually, CS4 raw converter - adjustment brush helped out on the blown out highlights.

